The history of rock is like a huge tree with many branches and twigs that start in every direction to follow a certain style, a sound or a look. Among these currents a prominent place certainly belongs to metal music, that explosion of electric guitars and double case that in the early eighties changed forever the history of the genre.
Black pants and t-shirts, studs, long hair and angry look, the metal style immediately defines itself with a unique look, which today lives on in the hundreds of metal gadgets in the store of MerchandisingPlaza. T-shirts, sweatshirts, bracelets and bags, but also tank tops, jackets, caps and buckles, all these are just some of the metal clothing products present in this store collection, to which are added gadgets for the home or for everyday life like mugs, magnets, posters and action figures. How can you resist a Motörhead sweatshirt?
Among the most successful bands and singers in metal merchandising there are bands from all over the world, such as the Polish Behemoth, the Swedish Bathory or the British Asking Alexandria. For the homeland of the genre, the United States, we can find the Black Veil Brides and the historical Cannibal Corpse, although among the various merchandising products of metal bands there are posters of Metallica, Iron Maiden t-shirts and other products dedicated to legendary names such as Opeth, Nightwish and Pantera.
Going to the roots of the genre we can also find posters, buckles and t-shirts of Black Sabbath, the hard rock band that between the sixties and seventies changed the history of music laying the foundations for all following metal bands. Other important names in the metal band merchandising are also Audioslave, Orange Goblin and Korn, all present with official t-shirts and gadgets perfect to show off every day. After all, like all rock metal rock is style as well as music.